7 Common Questions About Tubular Skylights, Answered

5 min read

Tubular skylights are a popular choice for bringing natural light into interior spaces that lack traditional windows or access to natural sunlight. They are designed to capture sunlight from the rooftop and transmit it through a highly reflective tube, providing bright and diffused lighting indoors. If you’re considering tubular skylights for your home or office, you may have several questions about their benefits, installation process, and maintenance. In this article, we will answer seven common questions about tubular skylights to help you make an informed decision.

What are tubular skylights, and how do they work?

Tubular skylights consist of three main components: a rooftop dome, a reflective tube, and a diffuser. The rooftop dome is usually made of weather-resistant materials and is designed to capture sunlight from various angles. The reflective tube, often made of highly reflective material, transfers the sunlight down to the interior space. Finally, the diffuser disperses the natural light evenly, eliminating harsh shadows and creating a soft, natural glow.

What are the benefits of installing tubular skylights?

Tubular skylights offer numerous benefits, including:

a) Increased natural light: Tubular skylights can significantly brighten up interior spaces, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day and creating a more pleasant and inviting atmosphere.

b) Energy efficiency: By harnessing natural sunlight, tubular skylights can help reduce the reliance on electric lighting, resulting in potential energy savings and lower utility bills.

c) Cost-effective: Compared to traditional skylights, tubular skylights are generally more affordable to purchase and install, making them a cost-effective option for introducing natural light.

d) Versatility: Tubular skylights can be installed in various locations, including rooms with limited access to windows or where conventional skylights are not feasible due to structural constraints.

How is a tubular skylight installed?

Installing a tubular skylight typically involves the following steps:

a) Rooftop dome installation: A qualified professional will locate the optimal position on the roof and cut a hole for the rooftop dome. The dome is then sealed securely to ensure weatherproofing.

b) Tube placement: A highly reflective tube is installed from the rooftop dome down to the desired location indoors. The tube can be flexible or rigid, depending on the specific product and installation requirements.

c) Diffuser attachment: The diffuser, which disperses the natural light, is installed in the ceiling or desired location indoors. It is designed to distribute the sunlight evenly throughout the space.

Are tubular skylights suitable for all types of roofs?

Tubular skylights can be installed on various roof types, including flat roofs, pitched roofs, and even metal roofs. However, it’s essential to consult with a professional installer to assess the compatibility of your specific roof and to determine the best installation method.

Are tubular skylights prone to leaks or water damage?

When installed correctly by experienced professionals, tubular skylights are designed to be weather-resistant and prevent leaks or water damage. The rooftop dome is typically sealed tightly to ensure waterproofing, and high-quality materials are used throughout the installation process. However, it’s crucial to choose reputable skylight products and work with skilled installers to minimize any potential risks.

Can tubular skylights be installed in rooms with no direct roof access?

Yes, one of the significant advantages of tubular skylights is their flexibility in installation. Manufacturers offer extension tubes and flexible tubing options that allow for installations in spaces that have no direct roof access. These extension options enable the transmission of sunlight through angled or extended pathways

a) Angled installations: Tubular skylights can be installed with angled tubing to redirect sunlight around obstacles such as attic spaces or HVAC systems. This allows for the introduction of natural light into rooms that may not have direct roof access.

b) Light shafts: In cases where there is a significant distance between the roof and the desired interior location, light shafts can be used. Light shafts are vertical shafts that guide sunlight from the rooftop to the lower levels of a building, effectively bringing natural light to spaces that would otherwise be inaccessible.

c) Flexible tubing: Flexible tubing is another option for installations in rooms with no direct roof access. The flexible nature of the tubing allows for maneuverability around obstacles, making it possible to bring natural light to interior spaces that are further away from the roof.

What maintenance is required for tubular skylights?

Tubular skylights generally require minimal maintenance. However, regular cleaning of the rooftop dome and diffuser is recommended to ensure maximum light transmission. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris may accumulate on these components, reducing the effectiveness of the skylight. Roof Curbs Cleaning can be done using a soft cloth or sponge with mild, non-abrasive cleaning solutions. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance to avoid any damage to the skylight.

Additionally, it’s advisable to inspect the skylight periodically for any signs of damage or wear. This includes checking for cracks in the dome, loose seals, or discoloration. If any issues are detected, it’s best to consult a professional to assess and address the problem promptly.

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