Benefits of Wireless Network Installation over Wired Network

6 min read

In the digital era, staying connected has become an essential part of our personal and professional lives. Be it browsing information, sharing files, or video calling friends and family, we have all grown reliant on computer networks. In the past, the traditional approach involved laying cables throughout homes and offices to link devices together via wired networks. However, with advances in wireless technology, a new and popular alternative has emerged – the wireless network. Wireless networks utilize radio waves instead of cables to transmit data within a set range. The wireless network installation is far simpler than wired networks as no drilling or cabling is required. Devices can magically connect to the internet from any room, as long as they reside within the signal sphere. This unmatched freedom and flexibility has made wireless the preferred choice for networking in India. No longer are we chained to one spot, wireless connectivity allows us to roam freely while staying online. Truly, wireless has untethered us from our wires!

Flexibility and Mobility

No more being tethered to just one workstation – with WiFi, one can simply spread their wings and roam anywhere within range of the network. Resources can be accessed and files shared from any location, without the connection facing turbulence even when devices change airspaces. This wireless wonder means devices can perch wherever suits, without missing a beat. Users truly feel unchained and experience maximum maneuverability with their gadgets.

Easy Installation

Setting up a wired network can often feel like a laborious construction project that never seems to end. In contrast, installing a wireless system is as easy as hanging pictures. Simply place access points where needed, plug them in, and presto – instant network coverage throughout the home or office! Devices magically connect just by choosing the network, with no drilling or crawling beneath floors. This effortless setup makes wireless the clear choice for dynamically changing spaces that demand flexibility above all else.

No Renovation Costs

Setting up a wired network in an existing building requires tearing down walls and ceilings for cable laying. This leads to reconstruction costs running into thousands. On the other hand, wireless networks can be installed without any civil work. Access points can be mounted on surfaces without the need for cabling infrastructure. This saves a significant amount of renovation costs.

Suitable for All Spaces

Setting up wired networks to cover large open spaces, multiple buildings or outdoor areas is a very challenging task that requires extensive cabling work. In contrast, wireless networks with their ability to use multiple access points can easily provide connectivity across large indoor and outdoor venues. Wireless access points can be installed on different floors or buildings to offer a seamless roaming experience while moving between these areas. Additionally, wireless networks are a feasible solution for institutions with large campuses as they eliminate cabling. This makes wireless the best option for networking both small and large office or residential premises regardless of size or layout.

Hassle-free Expansion

Adding new devices or extending network coverage to additional areas is an arduous task with wired networks. It requires network cabling to be pulled throughout. But with wireless, new devices can be connected by simply selecting the available network, and additional access points expand coverage without any construction work. This allows the network to scale easily as per changing requirements.

Wireless network adoption has significantly increased across commercial and residential segments in India. Low installation expenses and flexibility have made wireless the preferred choice for most small and medium businesses over wired networks. Even large corporations are progressively switching their core infrastructure to wireless configurations to allow seamless internal connectivity and employee mobility. In homes, wireless has become standard practice as families commonly connect numerous smart devices and support multiple simultaneous users through a single wireless network setup.

There are some factors though that one must consider before opting for a wireless network:

  1. Interference

The 2.4GHz frequency used by most consumer routers is prone to interference from other devices like Bluetooth, microwaves, and even from neighbouring wireless networks. This can cause signal drops. 5GHz networks have less interference but a shorter range. Proper site survey and channel selection can help mitigate issues. 

  1. Throughput

Though wireless networks allow mobility, speeds could be lower than wired networks using Cat5 or higher cables. Throughput depends on distance from the router or access point as speeds decrease as devices move farther. Obstacles like walls hinder the signal and can significantly reduce wireless speeds for connected devices.

  1. Security

Out of the box, wireless networks aren’t as secure as wired connections. However, implementing security best practices like complex passwords, frequent firmware upgrades, hiding the SSID, and activating strong encryption standards such as WPA2 helps protect the wireless network. Taking these basic precautions of using complex passwords, keeping devices updated, hiding the network name, and enabling robust encryption secures the wireless network.

  1. Number of Connected Devices

Having many connected devices can cause the wireless network to slow down due to channel contention issues. However, enterprise-grade wireless equipment with advanced capabilities like band steering and MU-MIMO can manage large numbers of connected devices efficiently. These solutions ensure high performance even with high user and device density on the network.

  1. Range and Coverage

A building’s structure including walls and floors can impact wireless signal strength and coverage. A site survey by professionals evaluates these factors to determine how many access points are needed. Proper placement of access points is then decided based on the survey to ensure all areas get full, seamless connectivity without any weak spots.


With the considerations above in mind, both commercial establishments and households stand to gain tremendously from the freedom afforded by wireless connectivity. The wireless network solutions offers diverse options tailored to an array of deployment scenarios. Large enterprises may require sophisticated wireless LAN controllers and access points while small offices can opt for consumer-grade routers. With proper planning during installation and periodic maintenance, wireless is a reliable connectivity option. As technologies evolve further, wireless speeds will only increase while issues like interference are reduced. 

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