Interior Designer or Architect: Who To Choose for Renovation

4 min read

When we face a home renovation, it is important to have trained professionals who help us transform our spaces into functional and aesthetically attractive places. Two of the most common experts in this field are interior designers (interior designers) and architects.

Although they often overlap in their skills and responsibilities, there are key differences between the two. 

In this article, we will explore the fundamental differences between an interior designer and an architect in the context of a home renovation. This way you can decide which of these professionals is the most suitable to take charge of your project.

The role of the interior designer

According to Waterloo home renovations experts, an interior designer is a professional who specializes in creating attractive and functional environments within a living space.

His main focus is to improve the aesthetics and functionality of interiors, focusing on elements such as the optimization of spaces, the selection of materials, colors, textures, furniture, lighting, and decoration. 

During a home renovation, the interior designer works collaboratively with the owners to understand their needs, preferences, and budget.

He can offer a range of services including creating plans and space designs, selecting materials and finishes, coordinating with suppliers and contractors, and overseeing project execution. 

On many occasions, it can also be in charge of planning the renovation work, assuming the coordination and supervision of all the tasks involved.

Its main objective is to achieve an attractive and functional interior design that meets the needs and desires of the client.

The role of the architect

On the other hand, an architect is a professional trained in the design and construction of buildings. His primary focus is creating living spaces that are safe, structurally sound, and energy efficient. 

During a home renovation, an architect focuses on more technical aspects. He is in charge of analyzing the existing structure of the home and evaluating its integrity.

They can also offer advice on space reconfiguration, structural changes, construction solutions, and types of materials, among others.

Furthermore, it is essential when a renovation involves modifying a load-bearing wall or other structural element of the building. The architect is in charge of processing the building permits, necessary to obtain the license to renovate the home.

The architect can also be in charge of coordinating the professionals involved in the renovation, ensuring that quality standards and established deadlines are met.

Who to choose?

As we have seen, both are professionals to whom you can entrust the execution of your renovation project. Your choice will depend on your needs and the complexity of the reform.

If the project involves major structural changes, it is advisable to hire an architect. If you focus primarily on aesthetics and interior design, an interior designer may be the most suitable option.

However, it is always advisable to take into account the skills and experience of both professionals, as well as their references, to make a correct decision.

In many cases, interior designers and architects work together on a renovation to make the most of their complementary skills and knowledge, without being mutually exclusive. The collaboration between both professionals can result in a more personalized and complete project.

At TROC we have a team very specialized in high-quality comprehensive renovation projects and we have defined a very efficient work methodology. 

In our case, the interior designers are in charge of the most aesthetic and functional aspects of the interiors, purchasing, and budget control; while the architect is involved in the project when structural changes are planned and for the processing of building permits.

We also have construction management experts who are in charge of planning and coordinating all industrialists, such as electricians, plumbers, and carpenters; and supervise the execution of the work. 

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