Retirement Card Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

5 min read

Retirement is one of the biggest milestones in a person’s life. It becomes essential that we celebrate the happiness of retirement in the most auspicious way. Here the role of retirement cards becomes fundamental. 

Retirement cards from sendwishonline provide you with the opportunity to express your heartfelt wishes, convey your admiration, share advice for the future, and appreciate the achievements of the retiree in the most sentimental manner. 

There are some manners to observe while sending retirement cards, just like there are in many other facets of social contact. The timing, what to say, and how to approach the retiree will all be covered in this article’s discussion of the dos and don’ts of retirement card etiquette.

The Do’s:

  1. Send Your Retirement Card As Soon As Possible

Timing is everything when it comes to mailing retirement cards. Sending the card before the retiree’s final day of employment is ideal. Sending a card soon after their retirement party is still suitable even if you’ve missed this day. Being on time demonstrates your concern and consideration for their special day.

  1. Personalize your Message

You must take some time to come up with the best possible message. It has to be meaningful and genuine reflecting the relationship you share with the retiree. You must share some specific memories of the good times you spent together to make it look authentic. Only a proper message would show that you care about the retiree and are happy for their achievements. 

  1. Utilise Proper Language

When creating a retirement card, word choice is quite important. The right amount of honesty and professionalism must be used. Inform the retiree of your happiness for their new chapter, thank them for their contributions, and send them your best wishes. Except in the case of a close and humorous relationship, refrain from using humor excessively.

  1. Make sure you think about the Retiree 

When creating a retirement card the easiest way to make your card stand out is by choosing something you know the retiree would like. Look for a card that describes the personality, interests, or hobbies of the retiree. This way you are showing your strong bond with the retiree and creating a card that would remain a cherished keepsake for long. 

  1. Share your Contact Information 

It is thoughtful if you leave behind your contact information for the retiree so that they can contact you whenever they feel like it. Now this should be done in cases where you are not too close to the retiree because if you are friends then they would already have access to your contact details. In case you are new to a team that has a retiring member then you should leave behind your contact details in the card. If they wish to thank you with a new card then will be able to do so if they have the proper information.

Sympathy cards 

The Don’ts:

  1. Prevent Stressing Out the Retiree

Although sincere notes are welcomed, refrain from writing excessively long ones that can overwhelm the retiree. Focus on the key points of your message and be succinct and to the point.

  1. Say No to work-related matters 

A retirement card is not a place to discuss work-related matters. Simply stick to writing a positive message full of genuine happiness and show your support. Never bring up any negative memories to the picture with your retirement cards.

  1. Think twice before posting 

A few people might prefer to have a low-key gathering and a small celebration. They might not want excessive attention drawn towards them. In such a situation you mustn’t post anything on social media without the permission of the retiree and the consent of all those involved. There may be many reasons why the retiree would request you to not post anything so you must always ask for permission first. 

  1. Do Not Send General Messages

Messages that are generic and overused can take away from how personalised your card is. As far as possible, steer clear of clichés like “Best Wishes on Your Retirement” and instead create a special, sincere message.

  1. Sign the Card

After spending so much time on creating the perfect card it would be a huge loss if you forgot to mention your name. Make sure that you sign your name at the end of the card so that the retiree knows who sent it. This can be one of the most common mistakes people tend to make. 

Now that you know about the dos and don’ts of making a retirement card, it’s time you finally create one. Choose the best retirement cards from sendwishonline and get access to all the features that would turn your simple retirement card into a memorable keepsake full of love, laughter and appreciation for the retiree. All you have to do is explore the ecards and find the one that fits the personality of the retiree

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