What is Spirit Airlines Pet Travel Policy

4 min read

If you and your pet are looking for a true adventure this year. It may seem like a great idea to board an airline and fly to unknown destinations. While airlines are becoming more pet-friendly. Learning your preferred airline’s policies might help you fly more smoothly.

Spirit Airlines’ policy regarding animals on its flights varies depending on the animal’s function. Spirit Airlines accepts service animals, emotional support animals (ESAs), psychiatric support dogs (PSDs), and household pets on its flights. But, the restrictions differ based on the animal’s classification.

Before we get into the intricacies of Spirit Airlines Pet Policy. Let’s clarify the distinction between service and emotional support animals.

Spirit Airlines Pet Policy

Spirit Airlines accepts domesticated dogs, cats, small domestic rabbits, and small home birds on domestic flights. Spirit Airlines does not allow farm poultry, waterfowl, game birds, birds of prey, or any flightless bird as home birds.

But, no animals are permitted on foreign flights, and flights to the United States Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are prohibited for birds and rabbits. Spirit Airlines’ pet policy allows only six pet carriers on board each trip. With a limit of two pets per container and one container per passenger.

Spirit Airlines imposes a $110 cost per pet container for every flight (a total of $220 for round-trip pet carrying). Pet carriers must fulfill the same size standards as carry-on baggage because they must be stored in the cabin. It’s also worth noting that roundtrip tickets are $100. While one-way tickets are $125 per carrier.

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Spirit is worried about the safety of animals traveling with them. Thus they only allow animals to fly in the cabin of the plane, stored under the seat in front of you. Spirit costs $110 per carrier and has most of one carrier per passenger. If you have two tiny animals of the same species that get along well. You can transport them both in the same container and pay a single charge.

Important Spirit Airlines Pet Guidelines

Aside from Spirit Airlines’ usual pet restrictions. There are many criteria you can follow when flying with your service dog or ESA. The guidelines include the following:

  • Animals causing disruptions before the travel gate will be removed.
  • Pets cannot be sick or violent.
  • You can seat anywhere you choose, except in the first row and near emergency exits.
  • Pets should be at least eight weeks old before traveling.
  • Animals should be able to stand upright in carriers.
  • Pets traveling to Puerto Rico must have rabies immunizations.

Spirit Airlines Animal Seating Requirements

Animal owners are free to sit wherever they like, except in the emergency escape rows. If your animal is in a carrier. You cannot sit in the first row because the carrier must be placed under the seat in front of you.

Service animals can sit on your lap as long as they are “no larger than a lap child.” But, if the animal is on your lap. You cannot sit on a seat with an inflatable seatbelt because it would be dangerous for the animal. Trained service animals are also permitted on the plane floor. But no part of them may be placed on a plane seat at any time.

Animals put at your feet cannot block aisles or other places that must be clear for an emergency evacuation. Furthermore, an animal put on the floor cannot obstruct another passenger’s foot room unless the other passenger consents to it.

How Does Spirit Airlines Pet Policy Compare to Other Airlines

Spirit Airlines is a terrific airline to fly with, but not always the best. According to ratings and evaluations, Spirit Airlines’ average score places it in the middle of the pack for convenience. 

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The main difficulties with Spirit Airlines’ pet policy are that it is more expensive than other airlines and that pets are not permitted in the cargo. The latter has a greater impact because only six carriers can be on the plane at any given time. Making rushing to register more difficult.

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