What to consider and how to launch an EV charging stations business?

3 min read

The rising cost of gasoline and diesel may be avoided by switching to an electric vehicle. The cost to maintain an EV is lower, and it produces no harmful emissions. Many potential buyers of electric vehicles, however, are put off by concerns about the time and effort required to keep their vehicles charged.

Thanks to developments in EV technology, charging an electric vehicle at home is quick and painless. An electric vehicle home charger allows you to charge your car while you sleep. Or you may use a fast charger to have your EV fully charged in only a few hours.

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Price of installing a power source

Both capital and operating costs play a role in determining a company’s capacity to stay in business. The operating costs of an EV charging stations are also crucial to its continued existence. EV Charging stations have little consistent operating costs.

When compared to the costs of starting up other types of enterprises, charging station start-up is quite inexpensive.

According to the Indian government, constructing charging infrastructure does not need a permit so long as it abides with the ‘Ministry of Power guidelines. Power may be transmitted, distributed, and exchanged for the sole purpose of charging electric vehicle batteries without any further authorization. Chargers, power, software, infrastructure, advertising, workers, and maintenance are the only costs associated with building EV charging stations.

Experts estimate that, on average, constructing a charging station for electric vehicles would cost between INR 1 lakh and INR 50 lakh. New electrical connections, civil work, technicians, laborers, maintenance, advertising, marketing, EVSE management software and integration, and site contracts are all examples of common expenditures.

Formats of Public Electric Vehicle Chargers

Electrification requirements will determine the cost of a commercial charging station for electric vehicles. Determine the optimal power level for your company.

Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 charging stations (also known as DC fast charging) are all available for plug-in electric vehicle use.

  • Level 1: Although it is the slowest EV charging equipment, Level 1 is the norm for residential charging using a wall connector of 120 volts.
  • Level 2: You may find 240-volt Level 2 chargers at public charging stations.
  • Level 3 (DC Fast Chargers): The most powerful option is the DC fast charger, which can provide 480 volts or more. The current quickest method to charge an electric vehicle is using a DC fast charger.

How to Choose an Electric Vehicle Charging Service?

Do you want to establish EV charging stations, but you’re worried about how complicated it would be? Statiq has you covered, so relax. Everything from planning and construction to the selection of EV chargers and the integration of related software is taken care of for you. In addition, they may assist you in acquiring the necessary permits and in receiving any applicable rebates or incentives. In addition, we provide comprehensive maintenance plans to ensure the continued functionality of your charging station. Let Statiq take care of the details if you’re ready to make the switch to electric power.

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